Giedrius Šalkus

Giedrius Šalkus MD Pathologist

Fields of interest:
Cytopathology, neuropathology, ophthalmopathology, striated muscle pathology, breast pathology, uropathology, digital image analysis

2006 m. Vilnius University, PhD
1998 m. Vilnius University, Medical doctor
2018 m. scientific practical conference Innovaitve Pathology, Vilnius
2015 m. European Congress  of Pathology, Serbija
2015 m. The 2nd NordiQC Conferenece on Applied Immunohistochemistry, Denmark
2015 m. London Dermatopathology Symposium, London
2014 m. international scientific practical conference Molecular techniques in tissue-based pathology diagnosis
2014 m. scientific practical conference  Gynecological cytopathology:innovations and their application in practice
2013 m. London Dermoscopy Course, London
2011 m. ACP Melanocytic Profilerations Symposium, Manchester
2011 m. London Dermatopathology Symposium, London
2004 - 2005 m. internship in Birghma and Womens hospital, Boston