Prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius

Prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius

Direktorius, gydytojas patologas konsultantas

El. paštas:

Tel. +37069779858

Interesų sritys:
Inkstų patologija, skaitmeninė patologijos vaizdo analizė, patologijos informatika, sveikatos informacinių sistemų standartai, biologinių žymenų tyrimai vėžio audiniuose, daugiamatė biožymenų raiškos analizė.


2006 m. Vilniaus universitetas, habilitacijos procedūra, med. dr. (HP)
1997 m. Harvardo universitetas (JAV), specializacija (fellowship) inkstų patologijoje
1992 m. Maskvos Medicinos akademija (Rusija), medicinos mokslų daktaras (patologija)
1987 m. Vilniaus universitetas, Medicinos fakultetas, gydytojas pediatras
2015 m. Mokslo ir verslo bendradarbiavimas skaitmeninės patologijos srityje (Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology (AIDPATH)) projektas, Viena, Austrija
2011 m. Kanų vėžio centras (Prancūzija), ES COST projektas EuroTelepath
1999 m. Harvardo universitetas, Brigham and Women's ligoninė, JAV
1995 m. Harvardo universitetas, Molekulinio autoimuniteto laboratorija, Brigham and Women's ligoninė, JAV
1994 m. Ilinojaus universitetas, Lutheran General ligoninė, JAV
  1. Kielaitė-Gulla, Aistė; Stulpinas, Rokas; Grigonytė, Agnė; Žilėnaitė-Petrulaitienė, Dovilė; Rasmusson, Allan; Laurinavičius, Arvydas; Strupas, Kęstutis. Overall survival prediction by tumor microenvironment lymphocyte distribution in hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation // Journal of surgical research. San Diego, CA : Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science. ISSN 0022-4804. eISSN 1095-8673. 2024, vol. 295, p. 457-467.
  2. Stulpinas, Rokas; Morkūnas, Mindaugas; Rasmusson, Allan; Drachneris, Julius; Augulis, Renaldas; Kielaitė-Gulla, Aistė; Strupas, Kęstutis; Laurinavičius, Arvydas. Improving HCC prognostic models after liver resection by AI-extracted tissue fiber framework analytics // Cancers. Basel : MDPI AG. eISSN 2072-6694. 2024, vol. 16, iss. 1, art. no. 106, p. [1-18].
  3. Stulpinas R, Zilenaite-Petrulaitiene D, Rasmusson A, Gulla A, Grigonyte A, Strupas K, Laurinavicius A: Prognostic Value of CD8+ Lymphocytes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Perineoplastic Parenchyma Assessed by Interface Density Profiles in Liver Resection Samples. Cancers (Basel) 2023, 15.
  4. Hashimoto D, Gulla A, Satoi S, Yamamoto T, Yamaki S, Matsui Y, Ohe C, Yamasaki M, Hamada M, Ikeura T, Shimatani M, Breugelmans R, Utkus A, Poskus T, Samuilis A, Miglinas M, Laurinavicius A, Tomoda K, Hendrixson V, Sekimoto M, Strupas K: The academic impact and value of an international online surgery lecture series. Surg Today 2023.
  5. Drachneris J, Rasmusson A, Morkunas M, Fabijonavicius M, Cekauskas A, Jankevicius F, Laurinavicius A: CD8+ Cell Density Gradient across the Tumor Epithelium-Stromal Interface of Non-Muscle Invasive Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma Predicts Recurrence-Free Survival after BCG Immunotherapy. Cancers (Basel) 2023, 15.
  6. Yousif M, van Diest PJ, Laurinavicius A, Rimm D, van der Laak J, Madabhushi A, Schnitt S, Pantanowitz L: Artificial intelligence applied to breast pathology. Virchows Archiv 2022, 480:191-209.
  7. Popova A, Racenis K, Kuzema V, Saulite AJ, Saulite M, Broks R, Oleinika K, Slisere B, Petersons A, Laurinavicius A, Cernevskis H, Lejnieks A, Kroica J: Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein as a Potential Marker of Mesangial Cell Proliferation in Immunoglobulin a Nephropathy. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2022, 37:I293-I.
  8. Plancoulaine B, Rasmusson A, Labbe C, Levenson R, Laurinavicius A: A new approach for microstructure imaging. Sci Rep 2022, 12:19565.
  9. Cerkauskaite A, Savige J, Janonyte K, Jeremiciute I, Miglinas M, Kazenaite E, Laurinavicius A, Strupaite-Sileikiene R, Vainutiene V, Burnyte B, Jankauskiene A, Rolfs A, Bauer P, Schroeder S, Cerkauskiene R: Identification of 27 Novel Variants in Genes COL4A3, COL4A4, and COL4A5 in Lithuanian Families With Alport Syndrome. Front Med-Lausanne 2022, 9.
  10. Azukaitis K, Besusparis J, Laurinavicius A, Jankauskiene A: Case Report: SARS-CoV-2 Associated Acute Interstitial Nephritis in an Adolescent. Front Pediatr 2022, 10.
  11. Acs B, Leung SCY, Kidwell KM, Arun I, Augulis R, Badve SS, Bai YL, Bane AL, Bartlett JMS, Bayani J, Bigras G, Blank A, Buikema H, Chang MC, Dietz RL, Dodson A, Fineberg S, Focke CM, Gao DX, Gown AM, Gutierrez C, Hartman J, Kos Z, Laenkholm AV, Laurinavicius A, Levenson RM, Mahboubi-Ardakani R, Mastropasqua MG, Nofech-Mozes S, Osborne CK, Penault-Llorca FM, Piper T, Quintayo MA, Rau TT, Reinhard S, Robertson S, Salgado R, Sugie T, van der Vegt B, Viale G, Zabaglo LA, Hayes DF, Dowsett M, Nielsen TO, Rimm DL, Grp BI, BIG-NAB NABCG: Systematically higher Ki67 scores on core biopsy samples compared to corresponding resection specimen in breast cancer: a multi-operator and multi-institutional study. Modern Pathology 2022.
  12. Yousif M, van Diest PJ, Laurinavicius A, Rimm D, van der Laak J, Madabhushi A, Schnitt S, Pantanowitz L: Artificial intelligence applied to breast pathology. Virchows Arch 2021.
  13. Vitkunaite A, Laurinaviciene A, Plancoulaine B, Rasmusson A, Levenson R, Shribak M, Laurinavicius A: Intranuclear birefringent inclusions in paraffin sections by polychromatic polarization microscopy. Sci Rep 2021, 11:6275.
  14. Radziuviene G, Rasmusson A, Augulis R, Grineviciute RB, Zilenaite D, Laurinaviciene A, Ostapenko V, Laurinavicius A: Intratumoral Heterogeneity and Immune Response Indicators to Predict Overall Survival in a Retrospective Study of HER2-Borderline (IHC 2+) Breast Cancer Patients. Front Oncol 2021, 11:774088.
  15. Morkunas M, Zilenaite D, Laurinaviciene A, Treigys P, Laurinavicius A: Tumor collagen framework from bright-field histology images predicts overall survival of breast carcinoma patients. Sci Rep 2021, 11:15474.
  16. Mastaviciute A, Kilaite J, Petroska D, Laurinavicius A, Tamulaitiene M, Alekna V: Associations between Physical Function, Bone Density, Muscle Mass and Muscle Morphology in Older Men with Sarcopenia: A Pilot Study. Medicina (Kaunas) 2021, 57.
  17. Laurinavicius A, Rasmusson A, Plancoulaine B, Shribak M, Levenson R: Machine-learning-based evaluation of intratumoral heterogeneity and tumor-stroma interface for clinical guidance. Am J Pathol 2021.
  18. Dulskas A, Poskus T, Kildusiene I, Patasius A, Stulpinas R, Laurinavicius A, Masalaite L, Milaknyte G, Stundiene I, Venceviciene L, Strupas K, Samalavicius NE, Smailyte G: National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Lithuania: Description of the 5-Year Performance on Population Level. Cancers (Basel) 2021, 13.
  19. Budginaite E, Morkunas M, Laurinavicius A, Treigys P: Deep Learning Model for Cell Nuclei Segmentation and Lymphocyte Identification in Whole Slide Histology Images. Informatica 2021, 32:23-40.
  20. Bausys A, Senina V, Luksta M, Anglickiene G, Molnikaite G, Bausys B, Rybakovas A, Baltruskeviciene E, Laurinavicius A, Poskus T, Bausys R, Seinin D, Strupas K: Histologic Lymph Nodes Regression after Preoperative Chemotherapy as Prognostic Factor in Non-metastatic Advanced Gastric Adenocarcinoma. J Cancer 2021, 12:1669-77.
  21. Zilenaite D, Rasmusson A, Augulis R, Besusparis J, Laurinaviciene A, Plancoulaine B, Ostapenko V, Laurinavicius A: Independent Prognostic Value of Intratumoral Heterogeneity and Immune Response Features by Automated Digital Immunohistochemistry Analysis in Early Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Carcinoma. Front Oncol 2020, 10:950.
  22. Sablinskas V, Bandzeviciute R, Velicka M, Ceponkus J, Urboniene V, Jankevicius F, Laurinavicius A, Dasevicius D, Steiner G: Fiber ATR infrared spectroscopy of kidney tissue during live surgery. Journal of biophotonics 2020.
  23. Rasmusson A, Zilenaite D, Nestarenkaite A, Augulis R, Laurinavicius A: Dataset for Immunogradient indicators for anti-tumor response assessment by automated tumor-stroma interface zone detection. 1.00 ed: Vilnius University, 2020.
  24. Rasmusson A, Zilenaite D, Nestarenkaite A, Augulis R, Laurinaviciene A, Ostapenko V, Poskus T, Laurinavicius A: Immunogradient indicators for anti-tumor response assessment by automated tumor-stroma interface zone detection. Am J Pathol 2020.
  25. Nestarenkaite A, Fadhil W, Rasmusson A, Susanti S, Hadjimichael E, Laurinaviciene A, Ilyas M, Laurinavicius A: Immuno-Interface Score to Predict Outcome in Colorectal Cancer Independent of Microsatellite Instability Status. Cancers (Basel) 2020, 12.
  26. Gryguc A, Maciulaitis J, Mickevicius L, Laurinavicius A, Sutkeviciene N, Bumblyte IA, Maciulaitis R: Placenta derived stem cells for acute kidney injury treatment in a xenogeneic preclinical model. Cytotherapy 2020, 22:S203-S.
  27. Bueno G, Gonzalez-Lopez L, Garcia-Rojo M, Laurinavicius A, Deniz O: Data for glomeruli characterization in histopathological images. Data Brief 2020, 29:105314.
  28. Acs B, Leung SCY, Kidwell KM, Arun I, Augulis R, Badve SS, Bai YL, Bane AL, Bartlett JMS, Bayani J, Bigras G, Blank A, Borgquist S, Buikema H, Chang MC, Dietz RL, Dodson A, Ehinger A, Fineberg S, Focke CM, Gao DX, Gown AM, Gutierrez C, Hartman J, Hugh JC, Kos Z, Laenkholm AV, Laurinavicius A, Levenson RM, Mahboubi-Ardakani R, Mastropasqua MG, Moriya T, Nofech-Mozes S, Osborne CK, Pantanowitz L, Penault-Llorca FM, Piper T, Quintayo MA, Rau TT, Reinhard S, Robertson S, Sakatani T, Salgado R, Spears M, Tarczynski JS, Sugie T, van der Vegt B, Viale G, Virk S, Zabaglo LA, Hayes DF, Dowsett M, Nielsen TO, Rimm DL, Grp IKBCW, BIG-NABCG: Analytical validation and prognostic potential of an automated digital scoring protocol for Ki67: An International Ki67 Working Group study. Cancer Research 2020, 80.
  29. Sileikiene V, Laurinaviciene A, Lesciute-Krilaviciene D, Jurgauskiene L, Malickaite R, Laurinavicius A: Levels of CD4+ CD25+ T regulatory cells in bronchial mucosa and peripheral blood of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease indicate involvement of autoimmunity mechanisms. Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2019, 87:159-66.
  30. Rimm DL, Leung SCY, McShane LM, Bai Y, Bane AL, Bartlett JMS, Bayani J, Chang MC, Dean M, Denkert C, Enwere EK, Galderisi C, Gholap A, Hugh JC, Jadhav A, Kornaga EN, Laurinavicius A, Levenson R, Lima J, Miller K, Pantanowitz L, Piper T, Ruan J, Srinivasan M, Virk S, Wu Y, Yang H, Hayes DF, Nielsen TO, Dowsett M: An international multicenter study to evaluate reproducibility of automated scoring for assessment of Ki67 in breast cancer. Mod Pathol 2019, 32:59-69.
  31. Joseph J, Roudier MP, Narayanan PL, Augulis R, Ros VR, Pritchard A, Gerrard J, Laurinavicius A, Harrington EA, Barrett JC, Howat WJ: Proliferation Tumour Marker Network (PTM-NET) for the identification of tumour region in Ki67 stained breast cancer whole slide images. Sci Rep-Uk 2019, 9.
  32. Gasiule S, Dreize N, Kaupinis A, Razanskas R, Ciupas L, Stankevicius V, Kapustina Z, Laurinavicius A, Valius M, Vilkaitis G: Molecular Insights into miRNA-Driven Resistance to 5-Fluorouracil and Oxaliplatin Chemotherapy: miR-23b Modulates the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019, 8.
  33. Cerkauskaite A, Cerkauskiene R, Miglinas M, Laurinavicius A, Ding C, Rolfs A, Venceviciene L, Barysiene J, Kazenaite E, Sadauskiene E: Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in a New Fabry-Disease-Causing Mutation. Med Lith 2019, 55.
  34. Abdelsamea MM, Pitiot A, Grineviciute RB, Besusparis J, Laurinavicius A, Ilyas M: A cascade-learning approach for automated segmentation of tumour epithelium in colorectal cancer. Expert Syst Appl 2019, 118:539-52.
  35. Abdelsamea MM, Grineviciute RB, Besusparis J, Cham S, Pitiot A, Laurinavicius A, Ilyas M: Tumour Parcellation and Quantification (TuPaQ): a tool for refining biomarker analysis through rapid and automated segmentation of tumour epithelium. Histopathology 2019.
  36. Morkunas M, Treigys P, Bernataviciene J, Laurinavicius A, Korvel G: Machine Learning Based Classification of Colorectal Cancer Tumour Tissue in Whole-Slide Images. Informatica 2018, 29:75-90.
  37. Kukcinaviciute E, Jonusiene V, Sasnauskiene A, Dabkeviciene D, Eidenaite E, Laurinavicius A: Significance of Notch and Wnt signaling for chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells HCT116. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2018, 119:5913-20.
  38. Gallego J, Pedraza A, Lopez S, Steiner G, Gonzalez L, Laurinavicius A, Bueno G: Glomerulus Classification and Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. J Imaging 2018, 4.
  39. Abdelsamea MM, Pitiot A, Grineviciute RB, Besusparis J, Laurinavicius A, Ilyas M: A Novel Machine-Learning Approach for Segmentation of Tumour Epithelium in Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Pathology 2018, 246:S45.
  40. Rimm DL, McShane LM, Leung SCY, Bai Y, Bane AL, Bartlett JMS, Bayani J, Chang MC, Dean M, Denkert C, Enwere E, Galderisi C, Gholap A, Hugh JC, Jadhav A, Kornaga E, Laurinavicius A, Levenson R, Lima J, Miller K, Pantanowitz L, Piper T, Ruan J, Srinivasan M, Virk S, Wu Y, Yang H, Hayes DF, Nielsen TO, Dowsett M: An international multicenter study to evaluate reproducibility of automated scoring methods for assessment of Ki67 in breast cancer. Cancer Research 2017, 77.
  41. Radziuviene G, Rasmusson A, Augulis R, Lesciute-Krilaviciene D, Laurinaviciene A, Clim E, Laurinavicius A: Automated Image Analysis of HER2 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization to Refine Definitions of Genetic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Tissue. Biomed Res Int 2017.
  42. Mea VD, Carbone A, Di Loreto C, Bueno G, De Paoli P, Garcia-Rojo M, de Mena D, Gloghini A, Ilyas M, Laurinavicius A, Rasmusson A, Milione M, Dolcetti R, Pagani M, Stoppini A, Sulfaro S, Bartolo M, Mazzon E, Soyer HP, Pantanowitz L: Teaching Digital Pathology: The International School of Digital Pathology and Proposed Syllabus. J Pathol Inform 2017, 8:27.
  43. Juozapaite S, Cerkauskiene R, Laurinavicius A, Jankauskiene A: The impact of IgM deposits on the outcome of Nephrotic syndrome in children. BMC nephrology 2017, 18.
  44. Demidenko R, Daniunaite K, Bakavicius A, Sabaliauskaite R, Skeberdyte A, Petroska D, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Lazutka JR, Jarmalaite S: Decreased expression of MT1E is a potential biomarker of prostate cancer progression. Oncotarget 2017, 8:61709-18.
  45. Barisoni L, Gimpel C, Kain R, Laurinavicius A, Bueno G, Zeng CH, Liu ZH, Schaefer F, Kretzler M, Holzman LB, Hewitt SM: Digital pathology imaging as a novel platform for standardization and globalization of quantitative nephropathology. Clinical Kidney Journal 2017, 10:176-87.
  46. Riispere Z, Laurinavicius A, Kuudeberg A, Seppet E, Sepp K, Ilmoja M, Luman M, Kolvald K, Auerbach A, Ots-Rosenberg M: IgA nephropathy clinicopathologic study following the Oxford classification: Progression peculiarities and gender-related differences. Medicina (Kaunas) 2016, 52:340-8.
  47. Pavyde E, Maciulaitis R, Mauricas M, Sudzius G, Didziokiene EI, Laurinavicius A, Sutkeviciene N, Stankevicius E, Maciulaitis J, Usas A: Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem/Progenitor Cells: A Potential Strategy for the Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury. Stem Cells Int 2016.
  48. Laurinavicius A, Plancoulaine B, Rasmusson A, Besusparis J, Augulis R, Meskauskas R, Herlin P, Laurinaviciene A, Muftah AAA, Miligy I, Aleskandarany M, Rakha EA, Green AR, Ellis IO: Bimodality of intratumor Ki67 expression is an independent prognostic factor of overall survival in patients with invasive breast carcinoma. Virchows Archiv 2016, 468:493-502.
  49. Laurinavicius A, Plancoulaine B, Herlin P, Laurinaviciene A: Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical and Integrated. Pathobiology 2016, 83:156-63.
  50. Besusparis J, Plancoulaine B, Rasmusson A, Augulis R, Green AR, Ellis IO, Laurinaviciene A, Herlin P, Laurinavicius A: Impact of tissue sampling on accuracy of Ki67 immunohistochemistry evaluation in breast cancer. Diagnostic Pathology 2016, 11.
  51. Ziedina I, Laurinavicius A, Jushinskis J, Suhorukov V, Malcevs A, Rozentals R: EFFICACY OF RITUXIMAB IN TREATMENT OF TRANSPLANT GLOMERULOPATHY. Transplant International 2015, 28:503.
  52. Serenaite I, Daniunaite K, Jankevicius F, Laurinavicius A, Petroska D, Lazutka JR, Jarmalaite S: Heterogeneity of DNA methylation in multifocal prostate cancer. Virchows Archiv 2015, 466:53-9.
  53. Plancoulaine B, Laurinaviciene A, Herlin P, Besusparis J, Meskauskas R, Baltrusaityte I, Iqbal Y, Laurinavicius A: A methodology for comprehensive breast cancer Ki67 labeling index with intra-tumor heterogeneity appraisal based on hexagonal tiling of digital image analysis data. Virchows Archiv 2015, 467:711-22.
  54. Pavyde E, Maciulaitis R, Mauricas M, Sudzius G, Didziokiene EI, Laurinavicius A, Sutkeviciene N, Stankevicius E, Maciulaitis J, Usas A: Skeletal muscle-derived stem/progenitor cells: a potential strategy for the treatment of acute kidney injury. Acta Physiologica 2015, 215:8-9.
  55. Maciulaitis J, Deveikyte M, Rekstyte S, Bratchikov M, Darinskas A, Simbelyte A, Daunoras G, Laurinaviciene A, Laurinavicius A, Gudas R, Malinauskas M, Maciulaitis R: Preclinical study of SZ2080 material 3D microstructured scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering made by femtosecond direct laser writing lithography. Biofabrication 2015, 7.
  56. Laurinavicius A, Green AR, Laurinaviciene A, Smailyte G, Ostapenko V, Meskauskas R, Ellis IO: Ki67/SATB1 ratio is an independent prognostic factor of overall survival in patients with early hormone receptor-positive invasive ductal breast carcinoma. Oncotarget 2015, 6:41134-45.
  57. Kantauskaite M, Laucyte-Cibulskiene A, Miglinas M, Laurinavicius A: HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION FOR THE PREDICTION OF RENAL OUTCOME IN CRESCENTIC GLOMERULONEPHRITIS. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2015, 30.
  58. Demidenko R, Daniunaite K, Laurinavicius A, Lazutka JR, Jankevicius F, Jarmalaite S: Gene expression profile of recurrent prostate cancer. BJU international 2015, 116:6-7.
  59. Brazdziute E, Miglinas M, Gruodyte E, Priluckiene J, Tamosaitis A, Bumblyte IA, Kuzminskis V, Burbaickaja S, Sakalauskiene M, Jankauskiene A, Cerkauskiene R, Pundziene B, Laurinavicius A: Nationwide renal biopsy data in Lithuania 1994-2012. Int Urol Nephrol 2015, 47:655-62.
  60. Plancoulaine B, Laurinaviciene A, Meskauskas R, Baltrusaityte I, Besusparis J, Herlin P, Laurinavicius A: Digital immunohistochemistry wizard: image analysis-assisted stereology tool to produce reference data set for calibration and quality control. Diagn Pathol 2014, 9 Suppl 1:S8.
  61. Mastaviciute A, Alekna V, Tamulaitiene M, Laurinavicius A, Petroska D, Strazdiene V: ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SKELETAL MUSCLE MORPHOMETRIC INDICES AND BODY COMPOSITION IN MEN WITH SARCOPENIA. Osteoporosis Int 2014, 25:S393.
  62. Laurinavicius A, Plancoulaine B, Laurinaviciene A, Herlin P, Meskauskas R, Baltrusaityte I, Besusparis J, Dasevicius D, Elie N, Iqbal Y, Bor C, Ellis IO: A methodology to ensure and improve accuracy of Ki67 labelling index estimation by automated digital image analysis in breast cancer tissue. Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16.
  63. Laurinaviciene A, Plancoulaine B, Baltrusaityte I, Meskauskas R, Besusparis J, Lesciute-Krilaviciene D, Raudeliunas D, Iqbal Y, Herlin P, Laurinavicius A: Digital immunohistochemistry platform for the staining variation monitoring based on integration of image and statistical analyses with laboratory information system. Diagn Pathol 2014, 9 Suppl 1:S10.
  64. Galli R, Sablinskas V, Dasevicius D, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Koch E, Steiner G: Non-linear optical microscopy of kidney tumours. Journal of biophotonics 2014, 7:23-7.
  65. Demidenko R, Daniunaite K, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Jarmalaite S, Lazutka JR: Investigation of potential biomarkers of biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Febs Journal 2014, 281:481.
  66. Daunoravicius D, Besusparis J, Zurauskas E, Laurinaviciene A, Bironaite D, Pankuweit S, Plancoulaine B, Herlin P, Bogomolovas J, Grabauskiene V, Laurinavicius A: Quantification of myocardial fibrosis by digital image analysis and interactive stereology. Diagn Pathol 2014, 9:114.
  67. Daunoravicius D, Besusparis J, Zurauskas E, Laurinaviciene A, Bironaite D, Pankuweit S, Plancoulaine B, Herlin P, Bogomolovas J, Grabauskiene V, Laurinavicius A: Quantification of myocardial fibrosis by digital image analysis and interactive stereology. Diagnostic Pathology 2014, 9.
  68. Daniunaite K, Stuopelyte K, Stankevicius V, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Jarmalaite S: Analysis of miRNA expression in prostate tumors and urine samples. Febs Journal 2014, 281:262-3.
  69. Daniunaite K, Jarmalaite S, Kalinauskaite N, Petroska D, Laurinavicius A, Lazutka JR, Jankevicius F: Prognostic Value of RASSF1 Promoter Methylation in Prostate Cancer. Journal of Urology 2014, 192:1849-55.
  70. Besusparis J, Jokubauskiene S, Plancoulaine B, Herlin P, Laurinaviciene A, Buivydiene A, Laurinavicius A: Quantification Accuracy of Liver Fibrosis by In Vivo Elastography and Digital Image Analysis of Liver Biopsy Histochemistry. Analytical Cellular Pathology (Amsterdam) 2014, 2014:317635.
  71. Asoklis R, Kadziauskiene A, Paulavicieine R, Petroska D, Laurinavicius A: Quantitative histopathological assessment of ocular surface squamous neoplasia using digital image analysis. Oncology letters 2014, 8:1482-6.
  72. Mastaviciute A, Alekna V, Laurinavicius A, Tamulaitiene M, Petroska D, Strazdiene V: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS, STRENGTH AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE IN ELDERLY MEN WITH SARCOPENIA. Osteoporosis Int 2013, 24:S242.
  73. Laurinavicius A, Laurinaviciene A, Meskauskas R, Baltrusaityte I, Besusparis J, Herlin P, Plancolaine B, Elie N, Belhomme P, Bor-Angelier C: Automated image analysis enables accurate enumeration of the Ki-67 labelling index of breast cancer. Virchows Archiv 2013, 463:101.
  74. Yagi Y, Rojo MG, Kayser K, Kayser G, Laurinavicius A, Della Mea V, Levy B, Klossa J, Tearney G, Szymas J, Tsuchihashi Y, Tetu B: The First Congress of the International Academy of Digital Pathology: Digital pathology comes of age Introduction. Analytical Cellular Pathology 2012, 35:1-2.
  75. Simanauskiene E, Daugelaviciene V, Laurinavicius A, Mickys U, Simonyte V, Vaitkeviciene G, Verkauskas G: Unilateral hydronephrosis and renal damage after acute leukemia. Case Rep Med 2012, 2012:968491.
  76. Sabaliauskaite R, Jarmalaite S, Petroska D, Dasevicius D, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Lazutka JR: Combined analysis of TMPRSS2-ERG and TERT for improved prognosis of biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 2012, 51:781-91.
  77. Laurinavicius A, Raslavicus P: Consequences of "going digital" for pathology professionals - entering the cloud. Stud Health Technol Inform 2012, 179:62-7.
  78. Laurinavicius A, Laurinaviciene A, Ostapenko V, Dasevicius D, Jarmalaite S, Lazutka J: Immunohistochemistry profiles of breast ductal carcinoma: factor analysis of digital image analysis data. Diagnostic Pathology 2012, 7.
  79. Laurinavicius A, Laurinaviciene A, Dasevicius D, Elie N, Plancoulaine B, Bor C, Herlin P: Digital image analysis in pathology: Benefits and obligation. Analytical Cellular Pathology 2012, 35:75-8.
  80. Garcia-Rojo M, Daniel C, Laurinavicius A: SNOMED CT in pathology. Stud Health Technol Inform 2012, 179:123-40.
  81. Daniel C, Booker D, Beckwith B, Della Mea V, Garcia-Rojo M, Havener L, Kennedy M, Klossa J, Laurinavicius A, Macary F, Punys V, Scharber W, Schrader T: Standards and specifications in pathology: image management, report management and terminology. Stud Health Technol Inform 2012, 179:105-22.
  82. Cortese R, Kwan A, Lalonde E, Bryzgunova O, Bondar A, Wu Y, Gordevicius J, Park M, Oh G, Kaminsky Z, Tverkuviene J, Laurinavicius A, Jankevicius F, Sendorek DHS, Haider S, Wang S-C, Jarmalaite S, Laktionov P, Boutros PC, Petronis A: Epigenetic markers of prostate cancer in plasma circulating DNA. Human Molecular Genetics 2012, 21:3619-31.
  83. Sablinskas V, Urboniene V, Ceponkus J, Laurinavicius A, Dasevicius D, Jankevicius F, Hendrixson V, Koch E, Steiner G: Infrared spectroscopic imaging of renal tumor tissue. J Biomed Opt 2011, 16.
  84. Laurinaviciene A, Dasevicius D, Ostapenko V, Jarmalaite S, Lazutka J, Laurinavicius A: Membrane connectivity estimated by digital image analysis of HER2 immunohistochemistry is concordant with visual scoring and fluorescence in situ hybridization results: algorithm evaluation on breast cancer tissue microarrays. Diagnostic Pathology 2011, 6.
  85. Hufnagel P, Schrader T, Rojo G, Laurinavicius A, Kayser G: Demands on scanner developments based on technical and human tests. Virchows Archiv 2011, 459:S314-S5.
  86. Garcia Rojo M, Laurinavicius A, Punys V, Gehring S: Encoding pathology diagnosis with SNOMED CT: feasibility of migration from SNOMED II to SNOMED CT. Virchows Archiv 2011, 459:S309.
  87. Daniunaite K, Berezniakovas A, Jankevicius F, Laurinavicius A, Lazutka JR, Jarmalaite S: Frequent Methylation of RASSF1 and RARB in Urine Sediments From Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer. Med Lith 2011, 47:147-53.
  88. Daniel C, Macary F, Garcia Rojo M, Klossa J, Laurinavicius A, Beckwith BA, Della Mea V: Recent advances in standards for collaborative Digital Anatomic Pathology. Diagnostic Pathology 2011, 6.
  89. Brazdziute E, Laurinavicius A: Digital pathology evaluation of complement C4d component deposition in the kidney allograft biopsies is a useful tool to improve reproducibility of the scoring. Diagnostic Pathology 2011, 6.
  90. Rimiene J, Petronyte J, Gudleviciene Z, Smailyte G, Krasauskaite I, Laurinavicius A: A Shandon PapSpin liquid-based gynecological test: A split-sample and direct-to-vial test with histology follow-up study. Cytojournal 2010, 7.
  91. Punys V, Laurinavicius A, Puniene J, Adlassnig K, Blobel B, Mantas J, Masic I: A Data Model for Handling Whole Slide Microscopy Images in Picture Archiving and Communications Systems. Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe 2009, 150:856-60.
  92. Punys V, Laurinavicius A, Puniene J: A data model for handling whole slide microscopy images in picture archiving and communications systems. Stud Health Technol Inform 2009, 150:856-60.
  93. Jankevicius F, Jarmalaite S, Sabaliauskaite R, Kalinauskaite N, Dasevicius D, Laurinavicius A, Lazutka J: TMPRSS2: ERG gene fusion and epigenetic changes in tumour suppressor genes are associated with clinical markers of poor prognosis in prostate cancer patients. Eur Urol Suppl 2009, 8:573.
  94. Zurauskas E, Usinskiene J, Gaigalaite V, Blanc R, Usinskas A, Laurinavicius A: [Models of intracranial aneurysms for angiographic imaging modalities. A technical note]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2007, 43:562-7.
  95. Maslauskiene R, Bumblyte IA, Sileikiene E, Grazulis S, Laurinavicius A, Pleckaitis M, Alekniene D, Dobrovolskiene R, Vainauskas V, Juodeikiene L, Steckis R, Sakalauskiene M, Macius K, Urbanaviciene J, Labutiene V, Gaupsiene E, Ziaukiene G, Burbaickaja S, Gailiunas J: [The prevalence of Fabry's disease among male patients on hemodialysis in Lithuania (a screening study)]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2007, 43 Suppl 1:77-80.
  96. Beitnaraite S, Kovaliunas E, Laurinavicius A: [Primary glomerulopathies in Lithuania: a retrospective analysis of renal biopsy cases (2000-2006)]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2007, 43 Suppl 1:6-10.
  97. Razukeviciene L, Bumblyte I, Kuzminskis V, Laurinavicius A: Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis is still the most frequent glomerulonephritis in Lithuania. Clinical Nephrology 2006, 65:87-90.
  98. Kaltenis P, Schumacher V, Jankauskiene A, Laurinavicius A, Royer-Pokora B: Slow progressive FSGS associated with an F392L WT1 mutation. Pediatric Nephrology 2004, 19:353-6.
  99. Jankauskiene S, Zurauskas E, Laurinaviciene A, Vaisnyte B, Barkauskas E, Kucinskiene Z, Laurinavicius A, Triponis V: Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae and cytomegalovirus in atherosclerotic tissue and investigation of serological status of patients with chronic atherosclerosis in Lithuanian population. Atherosclerosis Supp 2004, 5:14-5.
  100. Jankauskiene S, Zurauskas E, Laurinaviciene A, Vaisnyte B, Barkauskas E, Kucinskiene Z, Laurinavicius A: Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherosclerothic tissue and investigation of serological status in patients with chronic atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis Supp 2004, 5:125.
  101. Razukeviciene L, Kuzminskis V, Bumblyte IA, Laurinavicius A: [The indications of renal biopsies and spectrum of renal diseases in five nephrological centers of Lithuania (a five-year study)]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2003, 39 Suppl 1:1-8.
  102. Razukeviciene L, Kuzminskis V, Bumblyte IA, Laurinavicius A: [Prognosis of chronic renal failure in patients with membranous nephropathy]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2003, 39 Suppl 1:9-15.
  103. Rainiene T, Papinigiene L, Laurinavicius A: [Nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin A after kidney transplantation]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2003, 39 Suppl 1:161-5.
  104. Laurinavicius A, Gruodyte E, Priluckiene J, Razukeviciene L, Supranaviciene L, Salkus G: [Potential causes of antigenemia in the patients with an immune complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in Lithuania]. Medicina (Kaunas) 2003, 39 Suppl 1:28-32.
  105. Furness P, Taub N, Assmann K, Banfi G, Cosyns J, Dorman A, Hill C, Kapper S, Waldherr R, Laurinavicius A, Marcussen N, Martins A, Nogueira M, Regele H, Seron D, Carrera M, Sund S, Taskinen E, Paavonen T, Tihomirova T, Rosenthal R: International variation in histologic grading is large, and persistent feedback does not improve reproducibility. American Journal of Surgical Pathology 2003, 27:805-10.
  106. Laurinavicius A, Rennke HG: Collapsing glomerulopathy - A new pattern of renal injury. Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 2002, 19:106-15.
  107. Jankauskiene A, Druskis V, Laurinavicius A: Cyclosporine nephrotoxicity: associated allograft dysfunction at low trough concentration. Clinical Nephrology 2001, 56:S27-S9.
  108. Popendikyte V, Laurinavicius A, Paterson A, Macciardi F, Kennedy J, Petronis A: DNA methylation at the putative promoter region of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene. Neuroreport 1999, 10:1249-55.
  109. Petronis A, Popendikyte V, Kennedy J, Laurinavicius A: DNA methylation analysis of the putative promoter region of the dopamine D2 receptor gene in postmortem brains of schizophrenia patients and controls. Schizophr Res 1999, 36:100-1.
  110. Laurinavicius A, Hurwitz S, Rennke H: Collapsing glomerulopathy in HIV and non-HIV patients: A clinicopathological and follow-up study. Kidney International 1999, 56:2203-13.
  1. Digital transformation in nephropathology, 5th International Renal Pathology Conference, Zagrebas, Kroatija, 2023.
  2. Digital and Computational Pathology: Towards Augmented Intelligence, Estonian Society of Oncologists conference, Talinas, Estija, 2022.
  3. Digital and Computational Pathology: Enabling Pathologists, European Society of Pathology Academy, Genval, Belgija, 2022.
  4. Assessment of Glomerular Patterns of Injury by Machine Learning Methods, European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP2022), Berlynas, Vokietija, 2022.
  5. Digital Data-Driven Kidney Pathology Assessment, 59TH ERA CONGRESS (European Renal Association), Paryžius, Prancūzija, 2022.
  6. Digital Pathology Biomarkers for Breast Cancer, ESO-ESP Online Digital Pathology Seminar, online,2021.
  7. Histologic lymph nodes regression after preoperative chemotherapy as prognostic factor in non-metastatic advanced gastric adenocarcinoma, 10th Congress of the Baltic Association of Surgeons, online, 2021.
  8. Intratumoral heterogeneity and immune response in breast carcinoma, 18th European Congress on Digital Pathology, online, 2021.
  9. Digital Intelligence for Tissue Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics & Image Analysis Training School 2021, online, 2021.
  10. Pathology image analytics: going beyond visual, Image Analysis Training School (IATS), Vine, Austrija, 2020
  11. Kidney Biopsy Diagnosis in Nephritic Syndrome, Latvijos nefrologų asociacijos Susitikimas, Ryga, Latvija, 2020.
  12. Mining HALO for advanced spatial analytic. 6th Digital Pathology & AI Congress. Londonas, JK, 2019.
  13. Histological findings in Fabry patients: interesting cases. Tarptautinė mokslinė praktinė konferencija "1st Baltics Fabry Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting. Vilnius, Lietuva, 2019.
  14. The Immunogradient of CD8+ cell density in the tumour-stroma interface zone predicts overall survival of patients with hormone receptor-positive invasive ductal breast carcinoma. 31st European Congress of Pathology, Nica, Prancūzija, 2019.
  15. Prognostic value of CD8 Immunogradient indicators in tumour-stroma interface zone of colorectal cancer. 31st European Congress of Pathology, Nica, Prancūzija, 2019.
  16. Deep Context Pathology for Precision Medicine. 4th International Conference on Digital Pathology, Ciurichas, Šveicarija, 2019.
  17. Automated tumour-stroma interface zone CD8+ Immunogradient indicators predict overall survival of the patients with breast and colorectal carcinoma. Immuno-Oncology Summit, Bostonas, JAV, 2019.
  18. Benefits of digital pathology. 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Orhusas, Danija, 2019.
  19. Pathology image analytics: going beyond visual. Image Analysis Training School (IATS), Viena, Austrija, 2019.
  20. Deciphering tissue microenvironment with imaging and analytics. 15th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Varvikas, JK, 2019.
  21. Digital Pathology Analytics for Biomarker Assessment. Cancer Immunotherapy Workshop, Ryga, Latvija, 2018.
  22. Tissue Pathology, Mining Deeper with Imaging and Analytics. 162nd ICB Seminar, Varšuva, Lenkija, 2018.
  23. Getting Pathology Pixels to Work. 14th European Congress of Digital Pathology, Helsinkis, Suomija, 2018.
  24. Tissue Pathology Analytics: Digging Out More. UC Davis, Pathology Department, Sacramento Kanada, JAV, 2018
  25. Reading IHC Slides: Can Machines Do Better Than Humans? 10th Joint Meeting of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Belfastas, JK, 2017.
  26. Digital Pathology - Getting Online. 24th German Baltic Symposium and IAP Baltic Division meeting, Ryga, Latvija, 2017.
  27. HPV and cancer. IncoNet EaP Twinning Grants Project, New Vision University, Tbilisis, Sakartvelas, 2016.
  28. Pathology Online - Ready To Use? Leeds University Hospital, Department of Pathology, JK, 2017.
  29. Pathology Online - Ready To Use? 4th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology, Linkopingas, Švedija 2016.
  30. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical and Integrated. XXXI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Kelnas, Vokietija, 2016.
  31. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical, Integrated. AstraZeneca, Kembridžas, JK, 2016.
  32. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical, Integrated. Brigham and Women’s Hospital,  Department of Pathology, Masačusetsas, JAV, 2016.
  33. Automated Image Analysis of HER2 FISH Enables New Definitions of Genetic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Tissue. 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Berlynas, Vokietija, 2016.
  34. Poster: Automated Image Analysis of HER2 FISH in Breast Cancer Tissue to Support Cell Heterogeneity, 3rd Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology, Linkopingas, Švedija, 2015.
  35. Poster: Comprehensive Ki67 Immunohistochemistry in Breast Cancer Based on Hexagonal Tiling of Digital Image Analysis Data. 22nd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, San Franciskas, JAV, 2015.
  36. Digital Immunohistochemistry for Tissue-Based Diagnosis and Research: What Could and Should be Done? Digital Pathology Congress, Londonas, JK, 2014.
  37. Digital Immunohistochemistry to Retrieve Novel Information on Biomarker Expression. 26th European Congress of Pathology, Londonas, JK, 2014.
  38. Digital Immunohistochemistry Platform for the Staining Variation Monitoring Based on Integration of Image and Statistical Analyses with Laboratory Information System. 12th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Paryžius, Prancūzija, 2014.
  39. Digital Immunohistochemistry Wizard: Image Analysis-Assisted Stereology Tool to Produce Reference Data Set for Calibration and Quality Control. 12th European Congress on Digital Pathology), Paryžius, Prancūzija, 2014.
  40. Automated Image Analysis Enables Accurate Enumeration of the Ki-67 Labeling Index of Breast Cancer. 25th European Congress of Pathology, Lisabona, Portugalija, 2013.
  41. Poster: A methodology to ensure and improve accuracy of Ki67 digital immunohistochemistry analysis in breast cancer tissue. Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Genetics, Biology, and Clinical Application, San Antonio, Kanada, JAV, 2013.
  42. Digital Image Analysis for Better Accuracy in Pathology. XXIX Congress of International Academy of Pathology, Keiptaunas, PAR, 2012.
  43. Perspectives of Routine Tissue-Based Diagnosis: Lean and Digital. 24th European Congress of Pathology, Praha, Čekija, 2012.
  44. Digital Immunohistochemistry: New Horizons and Practical Solutions in Breast Cancer Pathology. 11th European Congress on Telepathology and Virtual Microscopy, Venecija, Italija, 2012.
  45. Inter-Observer Variability and Evaluation of Automated Image Analysis Tools. 23rd European Congress of Pathology, Helsikis, Suomija, 2011.
  46. Digital Image Analysis in Pathology: Benefits and Obligations, 1st Congress of International Academy of Digital Pathology, Kvebekas, Kanada, 2011.
  47. The Results of Automated Image Analysis Workshop at the 10th European Congress on Telepathology and 4th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy, Pathology Visions, San Diegas, Kanada, JAV 2010.