Second opinion




To perform pathology test/consultation, National Center of Pathology must receive:


1. Sample material (biopsy sample, fixed with 10% formalin; or paraffin blocks and slides for consultation or molecular testing).

2. Pathology test request form filled up by a requesting physician or a patient seeking a second opinion. The test results will be reported to the person concerned (make sure there are contacts (email and tel. No.) of requesting person). If sending material for consultation or molecular testing, please enclose primary pathology test results (at least main parts of the report should be in English).

3. Research material and the documents must be sent to: 

National Center of Pathology, 
Affiliate of Vilnius University Santaros Klinikos
P. Baublio str. 5, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania

In case of extreme temperatures (less than -10C or more than +30C) please consult the mailing provider.

4. Bank transfer for the pathology service => Price list. The total price of consultation depends on the case and the additional methods needed; first of all, the material received has to be examined by a pathologist.

Payment details:
Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos
Company code – 124364561
AB SWEDBANK, code 73000, 
LT48 7300 0100 0249 2286


!the payment details must include the patient’s full name and the pathology testing procedure ordered  (for example: Name Surname HER2 FISH test).


For additional questions, please contact by phone +370 5 2477358 or e-mail to